Current Board Members
Lauren Bajo-Smith
4th Year Chemical Engineering
Hi y'all! I am a senior chemical engineering major from Chula Vista, CA interested in synthetic polymer engineering & research. I am also involved in Phi Sigma Rho, AIChE, and Science Olympiad, and work as a DSP proctor outside of ESC. When I'm not on campus, you can find me hiking, surfing, or shooting hoops.
Annie Do
General Member
3rd Year Electrical Engineering
Hi! I'm Annie and I am a third-year electrical engineering student from Irvine, California. In my free time, I enjoy drawing, cooking, and playing video games!
Ved Pradhan
External Vice President
2nd Year Computer Science
Hi! I'm a CS major from Cupertino, CA. In my free time, I dabble in CTF competitions, listen to music (classical, film, and barbershop), and play chess (queen sacrifice, anyone?). Fun fact about me: I participated in the 2023 Taekwon-Do World Championships in Finland!
Logan Unger
Internal Vice President
4th Year Electrical Engineering
Hello, my name is Logan Unger and I am enjoying my time in the College of Engineering. I am part of the Triathlon Club here at UCSB, and my main hobby is triathlon training. I like reading nonfiction, watching TV with my housemates, and learning more about the world of engineering.
Bharat Kathi
General Member
4th Year Computer Engineering
Hey! My name is Bharat and I’m from the Bay Area. In my free time, you’ll probably catch me biking, playing video games, or coding some random side projects. Definitely say hi if you ever see me around campus!
Aneesh Thakkar
Activity Chair
3rd Year Electrical Engineering
Hello, my name is Aneesh Thakkar and I am a third-year Electrical Engineering student from the Bay Area. In my free time, I’ll usually watch or play basketball, listen to new music, and watch movies with friends.
Emerson Yu
Tech Chair
2nd Year Computer Science
Hello, I'm Emerson and I'm from the Bay Area! My hobbies include listening to music while drawing or reading webcomics.
Jerry Hou
2nd Year Computer Science
My name is Jianyu (Jerry) Hou. I enjoy watching movies, listening to music, and skiing!
Jun Yoon
General Member
2nd Year Computer Science
Hi! I'm Jun Yoon and I'm a second-year Computer Science major from Irvine, California. In my free time I like to listen to and play music (trombone and guitar). I also love to swim, ski, play video games, drive, and learn how to play other sports (currently trying out basketball).
Clement Boiteux
2nd Year Computer Engineering
Hi, I'm Clement and I'm a second-year Computer Engineering major from San Jose. I'm interested in all things CS, but primarily enjoy machine learning and web development. Aside from ESC, I'm also involved in Data Science UCSB. In my free time, I love watching movies, playing games, building coding projects, and hanging out with friends!